Race for Education Fundraiser


On Friday, April 25, 2025, Holy Family Elementary School will be having a "Race for Education" -- a fun event to raise $63,000 in order to continue to provide a quality education and affordable tuition.  Students will walk and/or jog around a 1/8 mile area in the playground parking lot for one hour.  Each student will raise funds by asking sponsors to contribute a donation to Holy Family Elementary School.  Please consider sponsoring a student today.  All donations are tax deductible.  Thank you.


1. Type your student's name in the box below and click "Search." His or her full name will then appear alone or in a list, along with their grade.

2. Click on the "Donate Now" button beside your student's name, and make your contribution.

3. Consider helping to spread the news about the "Race for Education." Below your student's name you will see the wording: SHARE THIS STUDENT URL, and next to that will be his/her specific webpage URL. Click on the social media icons or copy & email the link to their page.

We should also tell you that students, as well as their class, can win prizes (e.g., Ring Pop Suckers, Homework Passes, Cookie Coupons, Snoball Coupons, Class Popcorn & Movie Party, $50.00 "Walmart" Gift card, First Place Ribbons, Free Dress Day, and much more!) for the number of sponsors they recruit. Finally, contact your sponsored student to find out the time that he or she will be jogging/walking.

Thanks for investing in a child's education. This is going to be a fun and rewarding event!

If you prefer to pay by check, make the check payable to "Holy Family Elementary." Add the student's name in the memo line and send to Holy Family Elementary School, 1800 Milner Street, Hays, KS 67601.

If you prefer not to sponsor a specific student, please consider making a general donation to Holy Family Elementary School.

Amount Raised So Far

RAISED $175.10
GOAL $63,000.00